Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Little About Me...

Hello there. So, for what its worth, lets just call me Crunchy Bee. I've been on this little wet planet for 21 years, and though I have plenty left to learn, I feel that I have at least a little knowledge and wisdom worth sharing with anyone who cares to listen. My hair is messy and unkempt, my Chuck Taylor's stay dirty and half-untied, and I've got so many craft supplies, boxes of fabrics, yarns, and all the necessary hard-wares that I have a difficult time keeping them organized. On the other hand I'm an attentive gardener, I enjoy cooking up healthy from-scratch meals for my hubby-to-be, and I love my two dogs so much that sometimes I irritate them with all my cuddles.

Oh and I'm super excited to share with anyone willing to listen (except for my FB friends who will get the memo on 4/1/13- teehee) I am 18 weeks pregnant! This will be fiance's (should we call him the Pollinator?) and my first child; we couldn't be happier.

I've decided to start this blog for many reasons. I'd like to use it as a resource, a collection of sorts, for any all natural DIY projects or home remedies that I find useful- and I hope that you can find this resource useful as well! I need it as an outlet, perhaps, to vent worries, frustrations, excitements, and ideas that I just need to get out of my head. I'd like to share with you those ideas and opinions and prompt you for feedback and your own opinions on whatever matter is at hand- I'd like to keep this blog an open discussion where all are welcome!

Of course, a big part of this blog is to document my journey through pregnancy and motherhood. I'm going to try my best to let my naturalist habits spill over into my parenting which would make me a "crunchy mama", if I'm not mistaken. One thing I do not understand is how many time I've seen this phrase used as an intended insult. I've seen it just as many times used by other women like me who are crunchy and proud! I see no reason to be ashamed of being green, environmentally-friendly, carbon-footprint conscious, or whatever else you'd like to call it... I'm not sure if  the insults I've seen hurled towards us "hippies" are from others who afraid of going green (for some crazy reason), jealous that they don't have the time or the patience, or just naive about the whole subject and hurl insults instead of doing research... At any rate, no such "insults" have offended me in the least and all such comments have only driven me to start this blog...

For every crunchy mom out there who is sharing their stories, their research, and their "tricks of the trade" that's one more opportunity to reach someone we otherwise wouldn't. The more people who see that going green is easy, cost-effective, and good for everyone, the more we can better this planet for our children and grandchildren to come!

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